
ijdens onze rituelen maken we steeds vaker gebruik van chants.
Daarom besloten we een verzameling aan te gaan leggen, maar waar bewaar je dat? Hier dus!

Op deze pagina vindt je een aantal wiccan/pagan georienteerde chants. Als je op de titel van de chant klikt wordt je doorgeleid naar YouTube, waar je de chant kunt beluisteren.

Triple Goddess chant
Horned maiden huntress, Artemis, Artemis,
New moon, come to us
Silver shining wheel of radiance, radiance,
Mother, come to us.
Honored queen of wisdom, Hecate, Hecate,
Old one, come to us.

May the circle be open
May the circle be open, but never broken,
May the love of the Goddess be (for)ever in your heart.
Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again.

Mother I feel you
Mother, I feel you under my feet,
Mother, I hear your heartbeat.
Mother, I feel you under my feet,
Mother, I hear your heartbeat

Heya heya heya, ya heya heya ho,
Heya heya heya ho,
Heya heya heya, ya heya heya ho,
Heya heya heya ho.

Triple Goddess Blessing (Helena Angelini)

As it was, as it is
As it ever more shall be
The triune sacred three
Be with me, be with me

With the eb, with the flow
Be with me, be with me
With the eb, with the flow
Be with me, be with me

Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna

The River Is Flowing (Mother Carry Me)
The river she is flowing
Flowing and growing
The river she is flowing
Down (Back) to the sea.

Mother (Moon will) carry me
(Her) Child I will always be
Mother (Moon will) carry me
Down (Back) to the sea.

Earth our body
Earth our body
Water our blood
Air our breath and
Fire our spirit

The Fire chant 
Spirits of Fire come to us.
We will kindle the fire.
Spirits of Fire come to us.
We will kindle the fire.
We will kindle the fire.
Dance the Magic Circle round.
We will kindle the fire.
We will kindle the fire…

The Elements
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water
Return, return, return, return
The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water
Return, return, return, return
Heya, heya, heya, heya
Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo
Heya, heya, heya, heya
Heyo, heyo, heyo, heyo

The Earth is our mother

The Earth is our Mother, we must take care of her (2x)
Hey Yanna Ho Yanna Hey Yon Yon (2x)
Her sacred ground we walk upon, with every step we take (2x)
The Earth is our Mother, she will take care of us (2x)

Gaia, Earth Goddess
The earth is my body
Her water is my blood
Her winds are my breath
Her fire is my spirit.”

Beltane Chant
Honoured wild hunter,
Cernunnos, Cernunnos,
Horned one come to us
Fertile wombed lady,
Brigid, Brigid,
Mother come to us
Cernunnos and Brigid,
Come to us, come to us,
God and Goddess come to us

We are a circle
We are a circle
within a circle
with no beginning
and never ending

Imbolc (Candlemas)

Blessed Bridget comest thou in
Bless this house, and all of our kin
Bless this house, and all of our kin
Protect this house and all within


Blessed Brigid, come into thy bed
With a gem at thy heart and a crown on thy head
Awaken the fire within our sould
Awaken the fire that makes us whole

Blessed Bridget, Queen of the Fire
Help us manifest our desire
May we bring forth all that’s good and fine
May we give birth to our dreams in time

Blessed Bridget comest thou in
Bless this house, and all of our kin
From the source of Infinite Light
Kindle the flame of our spirits tonight

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